Under Irish copyright law, section 78B of Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000, we can reproduce designs and sell replica furniture 25 years after its initial creation. This is why we comply fully with Irish law, making it perfectly legal for you to buy beautiful furniture from Replica-Eames for you business or house.
To read more information on this law, you can check the Irish Statute Book and more specifically section 78b of the Irish Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000. Transitional provisions for the repeal of section 52 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Enjoy your purchase! Great Design at affordable Prices for Everyone.
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To read more information on this law, you can check the Irish Statute Book and more specifically section 78b of the Irish Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000. Transitional provisions for the repeal of section 52 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Enjoy your purchase! Great Design at affordable Prices for Everyone.
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