REPLICA-EAMES offers you premium quality replica furniture at affordable prices. No physical stores. No middlemen. We cut out the fuss so you can get beautifully made furniture at a price that suits you.
Whether you are fitting your house, small office or an entire hotel, we will go above and beyond to deliver amazing quality and service. Our furniture is made to order, so it can take between 3-8 weeks to arrive since we believe the quality of the design, the beautiful build and the unbeatable price are worth the wait.
Please do not hesitate to contact our friendly, multilingual customer service team via chat or by phone. We are happy to answer any of your questions regarding the products, your order or simple our company.
See our FAQ and Terms and Conditions page for more information.
Whether you are fitting your house, small office or an entire hotel, we will go above and beyond to deliver amazing quality and service. Our furniture is made to order, so it can take between 3-8 weeks to arrive since we believe the quality of the design, the beautiful build and the unbeatable price are worth the wait.
Please do not hesitate to contact our friendly, multilingual customer service team via chat or by phone. We are happy to answer any of your questions regarding the products, your order or simple our company.
See our FAQ and Terms and Conditions page for more information.